1951: EXPLORING THE CHILD’S WORLD Poster text: Helen Parkhurst publishes Exploring the Child’s World (Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc. New York, 1951) with a forward by Aldous Huxley. “With this year comes the turn of the half century and we are already in the...
1960: COLUMBIA RECORDS PRODUCES “THE DALTON CHRISTMAS PAGEANT” ALBUM Poster text: Mitch Miller is the recording producer on this album. The Dalton School Boys Choir (from fourth to seventh grades), the High School Chorus and actors perform in the annual show....
1962: SMOCKS NO LONGER PART OF DRESS CODE Poster text: Smocks no longer part of dress code. Do you recognize the first girl on the left? It’s former Head of School Ellen C. Stein. ← $ # →...
1964: FIRST PROGRAM Poster text: A townhouse, 61 East 91st Street, is purchased and becomes a center for the new First Program, a non-graded school for children from ages 2–7 utilizing the Montessori techniques Parkhurst had used at the Children’s University...
1965: THE CRANE LIBRARY AND THE 11TH FLOOR GYM Poster text: The old gym on Dalton’s 10th floor is converted into a new library; it is named in honor of the Crane family. The old library on the third floor becomes a student dining room. A new gym is built on the...
1966: BOYS RETURN Poster text: Boys are admitted into Dalton’s high school. ← $ # →...