Poster text:
Trips to George Dillman’s farm in Otis, Massachusetts replace the New Milford excursion.
From the 1960 third grade booklet, Our Otis Trip:
“Each morning Mr. Dillman assigned a chore for each table. The chores were: milking the cow, currying the horses and bringing in wood. Every day you had a different chore. This is how you milk the cow. Mr. Dillman brought in the bucket and showed you how. First you put your index finger on the teat, then your third finger, then your fourth finger and then your pinky, and do it fast. It makes a plinky sound as it hits the pail. We did not do it very fast, but Mr. Dillman did. That cow gave eight quarts.”
—Holly Hotchner, Class of 1969