57. Dalton’s 1:1 Device Program

Recognized for its innovative approach to educational technology since the 1990’s, Dalton’s 1:1 Device Program provides students and teachers with easy access to technological tools.

With Dalton’s 1:1 Device program, our goal is to provide students and teachers with easy access to necessary technological tools anytime and anywhere. Now in its 18th year for faculty and its 11th year for students, we have succeeded in putting laptops and tablets in the hands of each teacher and student.
The transition from a roving cart-based system to 1:1 was thoughtfully and strategically executed. We studied and evaluated 1:1 programs at other schools; identified which curricular offerings would benefit the most; and provided professional development for teachers. The resulting program is thriving.
To provide an equitable and robust environment for student learning, the School selected and purchased laptops. Dalton’s tech support staffers keep the machines working so that the devices are always ready to enhance planned and spontaneous scholarly pursuits.
Our rollout timeline over the last decade was strategic:
2001: The Dalton School 1:1 Faculty Laptop program seamlessly merges with Dalton’s existing teacher’s professional development. The New Laboratory for Teaching and Learning, Dalton’s in-house technology department, offers professional development focused on integrating technology into the curriculum.
2006: Discussions begin with 6th grade teachers. Program goals include increasing communication, access to information, innovative pedagogy, and creating a positive environment.
2007: Student 1:1 Laptop program begins in 6th grade.
2008: 1:1 Laptop program expands to include 6th and 7th grade. 4th and 5th Grade classrooms are outfitted with laptops 1:1.
2009: 1:1 Laptop program rolls out to the 6th, 7th and 8th grade.
2010: 1:1 Laptop program introduced to the High School.
—John Neiers, Director of Technology