46. FP Art – Book Fair – Third grade paintings

Every November, third graders celebrate reading by creating a painted illustrations of a favorite scene from a favorite book that are displayed during the annual Book Fair hosted by the Parent Association. Painting by Bryson Wiese ’19
What is your favorite book? Every November, third graders celebrate reading by displaying at First Program their painted “illustrations” of a favorite scene from a favorite book. These paintings cover the walls of the East Lobby and Lobby 51 during the annual FP Book Fair hosted by the Parents Association.
As illustrators, the young artists choose which scene will best “represent” an important dramatic moment in the story. They make decisions about vantage point, foreground, background, size, and scale so that their paintings can be seen and understood from the far side of the gallery space. Using a basic palette of five paint colors (yellow, red, blue, black & white) they mix the many precise colors they need, paying particular attention to the many skin colors of the characters in the story.
With many experiences inventing and exploring ideas through the art materials, the children are well equipped to bring their curiosity, imagination, risk taking, and self-expression to the task of creating a painting. The children’s book illustrations are a wonderful way to invite children and adults to consider reading a new or familiar book.
—Anne Lockwood, First Program Visual Arts Head Teacher