40. Curricular Diversity begins in Kindergarten

Each of the Kindergarten Houses has its own special project.
Each Kindergarten House has its own special project to encourage students to participate as speakers and listeners, to respond to stories and poems and to help develop reading and writing skills.
House 32:
House 32 year-long Farm-to-Table study focuses on healthy eating. Through field trips and hands-on projects, students learn where food comes from and how to best to take care of the environment and their own bodies. We culminate the year by making a feast using food straight from the farm.
—Monica Margolis, Kindergarten House Advisor

House 33:
West African tales featuring Anansi the Spider support the kindergarteners oraland written language development. In collaboration with their art, technology, and theater teachers, the kindergarteners create a multimedia extravaganza to share with the whole Dalton community!
—Jenny Halliday, Kindergarten House Advisor

Study bread? ABSOLUTELY! It’s a perfect multicultural social studies topic with embedded math and science skills along with service learning. We read books about bread and we write about our block area reconstruction of factories we visit. AND, you get to eat your work!
—Debbie Reilly, Kindergarten House Advisor

We incubate and hatch duck eggs. For this study, the children develop science, math, and life skills. They reflect on and get information from books about ducks and write journal entries. And of course, they love watching the ducklings waddle around!
—Tarika Coleman, Kindergarten House Advisor

House 16 buzzes in our fun fall tradition of preparing for the “Talking Storybook Pumpkins Project!” which allows each student to practice a script and record their own voice on Chatterpix speaking as their character from first person perspective!
Mary DiCarlo, Kindergarten House Advisor